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27th January 2025
Boiler -Good news we have now received another grant towards replacing our boiler, this time from the Basham Charity to the tune of £2000-00 .Our other 2 benefactors were Acle Parish Council with £1000-00 and Broadland DC with £7500-00. Any shortfall will be met from the Recreation Centre and the replacement is scheduled to take place early May. Not one penny comes from our club funds thanks to the work of Denis. No wonder they call him ‘Arkright’.
Sponsor – just remember when you are purchasing a new car we are looking for a Car Dealership sponsorship deal -Over to you.
Re-spots -just a reminder to say we re-spot in domestic competitions
Junior raffle – raised 109 and we already have 91 in pot so we already have 200 towards the prize money for next seasons junior competition.
November Potters visit – just a reminder that you can join a party of members going to Potters at Hopton next November -notice onNotice Board to sign up. You are not committed , if you sign, as we have not agreed a price yet.
NoviceLeague – we have had a good response so this will take place and we have closed the applications though if you missed out, leave a message at desk in case of call-offs.
17th January 2025
1. Junior Tourny – this Sunday Tim and a number of helpers are running a Junior Tournament at the club -all day -starting at 9-30am. Please call in and support and if unable to attend buy some raffle tickets. Entries are coming from all over the country so it is an opportunity to spot the 2030 World Champion to be and put a bet on while great odds no doubt.
2. Monday Night Mens League – a new Sets Format Monday Night Mens League starts on 10th February . The usual Monday Night League finished too soon this year, due to a glitch in the new system ,but it gave us the opportunity to experiment with a new league format. This league schedule is tight ,so no cancellations will be allowed ,and if in difficulty one of the ladies can step in as a sub ,or just play with 2 players.
3. Promotion/Relegation – we are getting to that stage when captains are beginning to look at their teams position in the leagues so just to make a point that where we have 2 divisions in a league the only guarantee is that if you win the 2nd Div you will be promoted . We are never sure how many teams may withdraw or new teams enter and so to make sure we have ,wherever possible ,equal teams in each division some teams who thought they may be relegated ,may not be, and say a team coming 2nd in the 2nd Div may not be promoted.
4. Bar closed – from Mon 20th to Fri 24th this coming week for redecoration.
5. Too keen – when the bell goes off it is not the start of the Grand National so please be patient and allow sufficient time for the previous users of the rink to vacate.
6. Taylor Aces -would the members who kindly loaned their Aces to our Canadian friends please remove them from the office . Our thanks
7. Novice league experiment-there is a notice on the main board advertising a new league for those who have only just started or only played for 2 yrs. Entries can be made as individuals or teams . It will be an Open 3 bowls pairs league, men, ladies or mixed. Start date 21st February on Fridays at 2-30 if sufficient entries.
14th January 2025
1. Acle Marsh Harriers – Just to clarify -all club members when they enter National Competitions and they show on the form that they are Acle members they will have ‘Their name followed by – Acle Marsh Harriers’ after their name, as we ,as a club ,have registered ‘Marsh Harriers ‘ as our logo in the same way that Spalding are known as ‘Spalding Lightning’ and South Shields are ‘the Vipers’. . A number of clubs are following this trend but ,as you would expect ,Acle is one of the first .
The logo is not therefore exclusive to the A teams, hence we will have ,’Welcome to the home of Acle Marsh Harriers’ on the main noticeboard when we modernise it.
2. ‘Acle Trophy ‘ – you may have also noticed that the Junior International Series is being played in Scotland for the ‘Acle Trophy’. This trophy was presented by the English Lady President , Margaret Jermy, who was a member of Acle, and rather than have the cup in her name she wanted it to be known as the “Acle Trophy’ in recognition of the work undertaken by Acle for the youth of our sport.
We have in fact produced 12 England Junior Internationals since we opened in 1993.
3. Notices -you will see on the noticeboard that we are advertising for extra end of season experimental league, quiz night, Drive on a Sat evening and a new Summer league on Wednesday Evenings. If interested put your name down asap.
4. Drives – please be advised that the Tuesday and Thursday Drives are for fully paid up members only, so please do not invite any friends along who are not members ,to save any embarrassment.
1st January 2025
1. Lost bowls? -we have a set of 4M black Drakes pride Professional Bowls in the office,with a red aeroplane logo and Gt Plumstead stickers -any body know who they belong or whether we have them for sale for club funds?
2. Extra Rinks Free – we have a number of rinks free at 4-30pm on the 3rd and 10th January as there is no junior bowling.
3. Batteries -there is a collection of batteries in the Brian Grint room -anyone know who they belong to or if being collected for a Charity.
4. Old clothes – it seems a shame to have to say farewell to 4 blazers on the clothes rack -surely someone could make use of them before they are placed in clothes recycling centre.
5. David our Canadian , sends his thanks to everyone for making his stay with us so enjoyable. His bowls partner, a Kiwi, arrives on Saturday., and the Dutch on Tuesday the 7th.
6. Denis has an apprentice IT guy called Bill who is refreshing our website -take a look.
7. Sponsor – we could do with another sponsor so anyone who has a friend in high places who wishes to be engaged with one of the top bowls clubs in the country, please have a word with Denis and ‘Arkright ‘will be released.
12th February 2025
1. Novice league -keep an eye out on Noticeboard- Lilian and Simon will be working out the schedule this week.
2. NEW SUMMER LEAGUE – we will be launching a new summer league on Wednesday Evenings – Format not decided until we know how many will be interested in playing in the league -so watch the Noticeboard to sign on.
3. James Barker – anybody know who this gentleman is? -please ask him to see Simon to sign up for the Novice league.
4. Federation Finals – Congrats to Leo on winning the County U25s ,Ian the Singles, and Mark, Tia, and Ian winning the Mixed triples, and Mark, Ryan and David winning the Men’s triples and Edna, Sandra and Jenny winning the ladies Triples. Five more County Titles for the club -more work for the signwriter.
All the above players will be on the way to the National Federation Finals at Lincoln in April and we wish them all the best. Bring back some silverware please.
21st January 2025
1. Village people – our very own ‘Village people’ team, who play in the Village League, would like it be known that it was not them who had been invited to Donald Trump’s Inauguration.
2. Mason trophy -hard luck ladies ,going out by 1 shot on an extra end -the sport can be cruel at times.
3. U21s Tourny -went off well as we expected this Sunday -congrats to Tim on organising and we hope it will now be an annual event. Anyone like to present a Trophy?
Our thanks to all the markers for giving up their time and helping. Not many clubs could host such an event.
4. Novice league -reminder to sign up so we can gauge the need for such a league.
5. Competitions -all going well -well done everyone for co-operating with play by dates.
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