Click on a date below to view that date’s Newsletter
A completely new Scoreboard system has just been installed in the club complete with two 85” TV’s. The Rink Scoreboards are controlled by individual remote control handsets at the end of each rink to alleviate the need to step up out of the green to change the scores. Also, two 85” TV’s will display County League match scores and other competitions. At other times they will be used for displaying adverts from club sponsors. The central display boards are being redesigned and modernised in the near future.
The Club would like to thank both Bill Downie & Ian Anderson for all the hours spent installing and setting up the system saving the club thousands of pounds in the process
17th February 2025
1. Summer Leagues – entry forms on tables
2. New Summer league -if interested in taking part in a new summer league on Wednesday evenings please sign in on noticeboard.
3. End of Season Trial league -Barney is looking to fill a few free rinks/days in March /April with an experimental league -again please sign on the noticeboard notice.
4. Men’s O 60s Double Rinks -congrats to our seniors for reaching the County semi-finals. They play County Arts w/c 24th Feb for a place in the Final at Dereham.
5. Bowlr -give yourselves a pat on the back for mastering the new booking system, the exception being Denis ,of course who still has Quill and paper (parchment at that)
6. Hoops -thanks to Steve (Winkle) for making them secure again
7. Stewards – we now have one vacancy for a duty steward position -anyone interested in helping the club administration should contact Simon to arrange some training. .
8. Noticeboard -check the Board for dates for a Quiz Night and Bingo Night
9. Novice league -now ready for collection, schedule on table opposite Stewards desk. Thanks to Lil and Simon for sorting it ,was a major headache, but hopefully will give our newish members some experience against similar standard players
14th February 2025
1. Acle Marsh Harriers – Just to clarify -all club members when they enter National Competitions and they show on the form that they are Acle members they will have ‘Their name followed by – Acle Marsh Harriers’ after their name, as we ,as a club ,have registered ‘Marsh Harriers ‘ as our logo in the same way that Spalding are known as ‘Spalding Lightning’ and South Shields are ‘the Vipers’. . A number of clubs are following this trend but ,as you would expect ,Acle is one of the first .
The logo is not therefore exclusive to the A teams, hence we will have ,’Welcome to the home of Acle Marsh Harriers’ on the main noticeboard when we modernise it.
2. ‘Acle Trophy ‘ – you may have also noticed that the Junior International Series is being played in Scotland for the ‘Acle Trophy’. This trophy was presented by the English Lady President , Margaret Jermy, who was a member of Acle, and rather than have the cup in her name she wanted it to be known as the “Acle Trophy’ in recognition of the work undertaken by Acle for the youth of our sport.
We have in fact produced 12 England Junior Internationals since we opened in 1993.
3. Notices -you will see on the noticeboard that we are advertising for extra end of season experimental league, quiz night, Drive on a Sat evening and a new Summer league on Wednesday Evenings. If interested put your name down asap.
4. Drives – please be advised that the Tuesday and Thursday Drives are for fully paid up members only, so please do not invite any friends along who are not members ,to save any embarrassment.
On the Charity Day the Club hosted a competition to raise money and made £920.00 for Cancer Research UK. Simon Elliott`s team were winners and received the Simon Ollie Plate which was presented to them by Ken Scott-Greenard`s sister and Ollie's auntie Lisa. Barney, ken and Meryl would like thank everyone who took part and contributed in making such a fantastic amount of money. Also thanks go to Jane, Edna and Linda for their help , not forgetting Barney`s daughter in obtaining such a wonderful selection of raffle prizes. We are so grateful to those people who donated them.
Acle IBC are well known for their hospitality and charity work and we applaud them for allowing this event to happen.
Our Ladies A team are Champions once more
Huge congratulations go out to Acle’s Ladies ‘A’ team who have once again won the Norfolk Championship 2023/24 in fine style.
12th February 2025
1. Novice league -keep an eye out on Noticeboard- Lilian and Simon will be working out the schedule this week.
2. NEW SUMMER LEAGUE – we will be launching a new summer league on Wednesday Evenings – Format not decided until we know how many will be interested in playing in the league -so watch the Noticeboard to sign on.
3. James Barker – anybody know who this gentleman is? -please ask him to see Simon to sign up for the Novice league.
4. Federation Finals – Congrats to Leo on winning the County U25s ,Ian the Singles, and Mark, Tia, and Ian winning the Mixed triples, and Mark, Ryan and David winning the Men’s triples and Edna, Sandra and Jenny winning the ladies Triples. Five more County Titles for the club -more work for the signwriter.
All the above players will be on the way to the National Federation Finals at Lincoln in April and we wish them all the best. Bring back some silverware please.
27th January 2025
Boiler -Good news we have now received another grant towards replacing our boiler, this time from the Basham Charity to the tune of £2000-00 .Our other 2 benefactors were Acle Parish Council with £1000-00 and Broadland DC with £7500-00. Any shortfall will be met from the Recreation Centre and the replacement is scheduled to take place early May. Not one penny comes from our club funds thanks to the work of Denis. No wonder they call him ‘Arkright’.
Sponsor – just remember when you are purchasing a new car we are looking for a Car Dealership sponsorship deal -Over to you.
Re-spots -just a reminder to say we re-spot in domestic competitions
Junior raffle – raised 109 and we already have 91 in pot so we already have 200 towards the prize money for next seasons junior competition.
November Potters visit – just a reminder that you can join a party of members going to Potters at Hopton next November -notice onNotice Board to sign up. You are not committed , if you sign, as we have not agreed a price yet.
NoviceLeague – we have had a good response so this will take place and we have closed the applications though if you missed out, leave a message at desk in case of call-offs.
24th January 2025
Winter leagues -whilst the entries for the winter leagues are not yet on displayI would remind members and potential captains, that we have vacancies for TEAMS in the following winter leagues-
Monday Lunchtime Ladies triples – 3 Vacancies
Tuesday Evening Ladies triples – 4
Weds Afternoon Ladies pairs – 3
Wednesday Evening Open Aussie pairs – 2
Thursday Morning Mixed pairs – 2
Friday Lunchtime Mixed Triples – 2
Friday Lunchtime ladies Aussie pairs -6
ReserveList – also a reminder that if you wish to be the first to be considered for any team vacancy it would be wise to ask Lilian to put your team down in the ‘Reserve Register.’
Summer league -get your entries in asap and do not forget we have an extra league this year on Wednesday Evenings.
New end of season setsleague – our thanks to Barney and Bill for all their work in preparing this league and of course to Denis for his IT advise.
Novice league -thanks to Lilian and Simon for their work on this new league
Congrats – to our first team to qualify for the National Championships at Nottiingham this year and that’s the Mens O 60s Fours consisting ofBrian Kirby,Dave Crosby, Robin Norman, and Roger Barnbrook. Roger is an old hand at this having won the O 60s Singles and O 60s Pairswith Mr Pope, on previous visits.
Cups/Trophies = we need 3 new cups or trophies for the new leagues -anyone interested in donating one in memory of someone -see Lilian/Simon/Denis or Barney
Sunday 9thMarch evening -there will be rinks available at 6-00pm
21st January 2025
1. Village people – our very own ‘Village people’ team, who play in the Village League, would like it be known that it was not them who had been invited to Donald Trump’s Inauguration.
2. Mason trophy -hard luck ladies ,going out by 1 shot on an extra end -the sport can be cruel at times.
3. U21s Tourny -went off well as we expected this Sunday -congrats to Tim on organising and we hope it will now be an annual event. Anyone like to present a Trophy?
Our thanks to all the markers for giving up their time and helping. Not many clubs could host such an event.
4. Novice league -reminder to sign up so we can gauge the need for such a league.
5. Competitions -all going well -well done everyone for co-operating with play by dates.
Congratulations to Freethorpe Bowls Club on winning the Village League in its inaugural year. The whole league was played in a great light hearted atmosphere and was a pleasure to be part of.
Click on a date below to view that date’s Newsletter
Our sponsors enjoyed a day out at Acle Indoor Bowls Club where they tried their hand at bowls (some for the first time)
An enjoyable day it was too hot both them and our members that were present to look after them.
International Visitors
The club was host to several International players getting in some practice before the play at the Potters World Bowls tournament.
Pictured are David (English) & Gary (New Zealander), both representing Canada and Darren (English) & Frank (Netherlands), both representing Thailand.
We wish them all the best of luck at Potters.
Internal League winners 2023/24
Congratulations to all the internal league winner this season. Above are some of the winners. If you’d like your team picture to be added, send in your photo or ask a member of staff to take a photo for you.
Acle Shirts make their North American Debut
Proud to say that acle indoor shirt made there outdoor pairs debut yesterday in Kitchener.
They played in the Bill Bottiger Memorial Tournament. It is a very popular event in honour of Canada's most decorated players. The shirts went 3-0 and just fell short in the points accumulated for the day and finished a respectable third place.
The shirts were very well like by all and got some good attention.
Colin Starkings in Barbados
Bill Downie in The Maldives
Jayne Routledge in Cyprus
Edna Land in Lanzarote
Charlie Meechan in Malaga
Barry McGrath in Cyprus
Julie & Jackie on a bridge in South of Milan. Porta Vicoinese.
Wendy in Borneo
Sue, David, Brian & Colin in the Caribbean
Alan & Sally Davies in Madeira (+ Ronaldo)
Steve & Sally Webb at Monte Mar BC, Gran Alacant
Wouldn’t it be great if we could show more pics like this from around the world?
Please send them in and we’ll add them to this gallery
27th January 2025
Boiler -Good news we have now received another grant towards replacing our boiler, this time from the Basham Charity to the tune of £2000-00 .Our other 2 benefactors were Acle Parish Council with £1000-00 and Broadland DC with £7500-00. Any shortfall will be met from the Recreation Centre and the replacement is scheduled to take place early May. Not one penny comes from our club funds thanks to the work of Denis. No wonder they call him ‘Arkright’.
Sponsor – just remember when you are purchasing a new car we are looking for a Car Dealership sponsorship deal -Over to you.
Re-spots -just a reminder to say we re-spot in domestic competitions
Junior raffle – raised 109 and we already have 91 in pot so we already have 200 towards the prize money for next seasons junior competition.
November Potters visit – just a reminder that you can join a party of members going to Potters at Hopton next November -notice onNotice Board to sign up. You are not committed , if you sign, as we have not agreed a price yet.
NoviceLeague – we have had a good response so this will take place and we have closed the applications though if you missed out, leave a message at desk in case of call-offs.
24th January 2025
Winter leagues -whilst the entries for the winter leagues are not yet on displayI would remind members and potential captains, that we have vacancies for TEAMS in the following winter leagues-
Monday Lunchtime Ladies triples – 3 Vacancies
Tuesday Evening Ladies triples – 4
Weds Afternoon Ladies pairs – 3
Wednesday Evening Open Aussie pairs – 2
Thursday Morning Mixed pairs – 2
Friday Lunchtime Mixed Triples – 2
Friday Lunchtime ladies Aussie pairs -6
ReserveList – also a reminder that if you wish to be the first to be considered for any team vacancy it would be wise to ask Lilian to put your team down in the ‘Reserve Register.’
Summer league -get your entries in asap and do not forget we have an extra league this year on Wednesday Evenings.
New end of season setsleague – our thanks to Barney and Bill for all their work in preparing this league and of course to Denis for his IT advise.
Novice league -thanks to Lilian and Simon for their work on this new league
Congrats – to our first team to qualify for the National Championships at Nottiingham this year and that’s the Mens O 60s Fours consisting ofBrian Kirby,Dave Crosby, Robin Norman, and Roger Barnbrook. Roger is an old hand at this having won the O 60s Singles and O 60s Pairswith Mr Pope, on previous visits.
Cups/Trophies = we need 3 new cups or trophies for the new leagues -anyone interested in donating one in memory of someone -see Lilian/Simon/Denis or Barney
Sunday 9thMarch evening -there will be rinks available at 6-00pm
14th January 2025
1. Acle Marsh Harriers – Just to clarify -all club members when they enter National Competitions and they show on the form that they are Acle members they will have ‘Their name followed by – Acle Marsh Harriers’ after their name, as we ,as a club ,have registered ‘Marsh Harriers ‘ as our logo in the same way that Spalding are known as ‘Spalding Lightning’ and South Shields are ‘the Vipers’. . A number of clubs are following this trend but ,as you would expect ,Acle is one of the first .
The logo is not therefore exclusive to the A teams, hence we will have ,’Welcome to the home of Acle Marsh Harriers’ on the main noticeboard when we modernise it.
2. ‘Acle Trophy ‘ – you may have also noticed that the Junior International Series is being played in Scotland for the ‘Acle Trophy’. This trophy was presented by the English Lady President , Margaret Jermy, who was a member of Acle, and rather than have the cup in her name she wanted it to be known as the “Acle Trophy’ in recognition of the work undertaken by Acle for the youth of our sport.
We have in fact produced 12 England Junior Internationals since we opened in 1993.
3. Notices -you will see on the noticeboard that we are advertising for extra end of season experimental league, quiz night, Drive on a Sat evening and a new Summer league on Wednesday Evenings. If interested put your name down asap.
4. Drives – please be advised that the Tuesday and Thursday Drives are for fully paid up members only, so please do not invite any friends along who are not members ,to save any embarrassment.
17th February 2025
1. Summer Leagues – entry forms on tables
2. New Summer league -if interested in taking part in a new summer league on Wednesday evenings please sign in on noticeboard.
3. End of Season Trial league -Barney is looking to fill a few free rinks/days in March /April with an experimental league -again please sign on the noticeboard notice.
4. Men’s O 60s Double Rinks -congrats to our seniors for reaching the County semi-finals. They play County Arts w/c 24th Feb for a place in the Final at Dereham.
5. Bowlr -give yourselves a pat on the back for mastering the new booking system, the exception being Denis ,of cours,e who still has Quill and paper ( parchment at that)
6. Hoops -thanks to Steve( Winkle) for making them secure again
7. Stewards – we now have one vacancy for a duty steward position -anyone interested in helping the club administration should contact Simon to arrange some training. .
8. Noticeboard -check the Board for dates for a Quiz Night and Bingo Night
9. Novice league -now ready for collection, schedule on table opposite Stewards desk. Thanks to Lil and Simon for sorting it ,was a major headache, but hopefully will give our newish members some experience against similar standard players.
12th February 2025
1. Novice league -keep an eye out on Noticeboard- Lilian and Simon will be working out the schedule this week.
2. NEW SUMMER LEAGUE – we will be launching a new summer league on Wednesday Evenings – Format not decided until we know how many will be interested in playing in the league -so watch the Noticeboard to sign on.
3. James Barker – anybody know who this gentleman is? -please ask him to see Simon to sign up for the Novice league.
4. Federation Finals – Congrats to Leo on winning the County U25s ,Ian the Singles, and Mark, Tia, and Ian winning the Mixed triples, and Mark, Ryan and David winning the Men’s triples and Edna, Sandra and Jenny winning the ladies Triples. Five more County Titles for the club -more work for the signwriter.
All the above players will be on the way to the National Federation Finals at Lincoln in April and we wish them all the best. Bring back some silverware please.
21st January 2025
1. Village people – our very own ‘Village people’ team, who play in the Village League, would like it be known that it was not them who had been invited to Donald Trump’s Inauguration.
2. Mason trophy -hard luck ladies ,going out by 1 shot on an extra end -the sport can be cruel at times.
3. U21s Tourny -went off well as we expected this Sunday -congrats to Tim on organising and we hope it will now be an annual event. Anyone like to present a Trophy?
Our thanks to all the markers for giving up their time and helping. Not many clubs could host such an event.
4. Novice league -reminder to sign up so we can gauge the need for such a league.
5. Competitions -all going well -well done everyone for co-operating with play by dates.
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